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SOKAI - Hospitality Industry

Crisis Strategy Campaign “Sokai at Home”

Sokai Sushi Bar is a casual fine dining restaurant located at the heart of Miami. This restaurant offers eclectic Japanese and Peruvian cuisine. The restaurant was successful because of its food, environment, and experience. However, with COVID-19 arriving in March, the government started to close every public place to decrease people's exposure to the virus, affecting thousands of businesses like Sokai.

The general economy of the USA was suffering from this new pandemic that everyone was living in. Small businesses such as restaurants were having a sales crisis—the regular marketing strategies needed to shift due to curfew regulations. All the sales processes were focused mainly on delivery and pick up. The competition among restaurants was too high. People were locked at home and exhausted from the monotony - they wanted to feel a piece of freedom or “regular” life, but considering the economic crisis.

Along with the Trendy team, Sokai developed a new campaign called “Sokai at home.” The goal was to promote new combos created with the most popular dishes, emphasizing the delivery and pick-up method. The strategy was to use Instagram, Facebook, and Email and SMS blast to spread the voice about the latest promotion. During this time, the content strategy reflected the happy moments that customers can have at home with friends and family but upscaling the experience with Sokai’s new combos.

In addition to content creation, the strategy included the promotion of Sokai’s Mobile App. The goal was to encourage people to download the app and order through it with an incentive of free delivery and other discounts.

The strategy accomplished what was expected - in fact, there was an increment of 70% of delivery orders and more than two thousand app downloads. The combo and promotion certified the hold-up of the restaurant during the pandemic crisis.

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