dbakers - Hospitality Industry
Special Campaign “National Macaroon Day”
dbakers is a seasonal bakery located in Miami, FL. They offer breathtaking, high-quality accessible sweets. It is the place to find cakes, cookies, macarons, and cupcakes out of the world, however, macarons are a dbaker’s symbol. In May 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, dbakers launched a campaign honoring "National Macaroon Day" with a great sense of humor.
The objective of the campaign was to convey the message about having the best macaroons nationwide. The goal was to promote and boost online sales during these hard times.
Also, dbakers wanted to connect deeper with their audience by adding a touch of humor and comedy to this campaign - the founders were dressed with giant macaroon's custom. The strategy to increase sales and deliver the right message was a total success, we created a unique content strategy that was distributed through social media platforms and website.
The owners wore macaroon’s customs, and they were the main characters on a mini clips series production. Each mini clip showed the story and the values that the brand represents.
The story started with the macaroons arriving from Paris to Miami. They visited a couple of emblematic places in Miami until they found to their new home, the dbakers shop.
The campaign results were a complete success, boosting dbaker’s macaroons sales up to 38% above the average. The increase in sales was a consequence of a good promotion strategy, storytelling, brand bases, and humanization. The connection to the consumers was pure and authentic. The audience connected on a new level; they met that fun side of the brand!
Campaign Videos: